Coach Stop Restaurant
Built in the 1700s. First house built on the town green. It has seen service as a residence, stage coach stop and inn, coffee shop, a pizza house, antique shop, and pre-school. Since 1963 has served as a restaurant starting with Coach & Four, then Cugino’s and now the Coach Stop.
Gaylord House Museum
Built in 1845 is situated just off Route 20 in West Hartland. It is the headquarters of the Hartland Historical Society and contains its office and collection of town artifacts. It is open on the first Sunday of the month from May through October from 2:00 until 4:00 pm or by arrangement by calling 860-379-1610.
Milo Coe Monument
A memorial on Milo Coe Road dedicated to the 11 year old who was tragically killed when he fell off a cart and found dead at this spot.
Howell’s Pond
A 14-acre man made pond that has a state boat launch for non-motorized boats. Excellent fishing, including in the winter. Species include: Large Mouth Bass, Rainbow & Brown Trout, Pickerels, Bluegill and Yellow Bass.
Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock is on the farm of Cowdrey Banning, in East Hartland, in the northern part of the State. It stands on the very margin of a ledge of rock, but is no part of the ledge and never was. It is nine feet high, measures thirty-six feet around the largest part and six feet around the base-or an average of two feet in diameter. It consists of seven different kinds of stone.